Hey! This Blog will contain a lots of stuff that won't always go together. I'll post the long form versions of stand-up sets, crazy shit I wrote for sketches, and general stuff I'm feeling at the moment. Unlike the Fake Interviews section, all of this stuff is real and I feel it. Please enjoy!


My name is Luke, but I don't actually think I'm a Jedi. At least not while I'm sober.

I've been sick for the last four weeks. It was classic and text book. First, there was a viral infection that lasted around 7 days. Then my sinuses got inflamed, which involved a small bacterial infection. For a finale, the bacterial thing cleared up and the remaining effects of the viral thing have been with me for the last 10 days or so. Pretty basic shit.

Last night I took an HD pic of my throat. Because iPhone. Because I could. Because I don't keep dick pics on my phone. Anywho, I was zooming the pic while I was at the local Subway. Where else would I look at a pic like that? The privacy of my own home? Pssh. I noticed there was a white spot on one of my tonsils. It was the one on the left side of the screen. My left tonsil still hurt a little when I swallowed.

Now, I pretty much knew that the spot was just glare from saliva. But I started Googling images of strep throat on my phone. They looked eerily similar. All of a sudden I felt a fever coming on. I became lethargic and tense at the same time. "Oh, fuck! I should have gotten antibiotics weeks ago! Fuck. Fuck. Mother fuck!"

Then I realized that the tonsil on the left side of the screen was actually my right tonsil. Because that's the way photography works in the real world where real people live. And, that tonsil felt fine.

This didn't make me feel much better, though. Sure, when I got home I was able to verify that I had no white spots on my throat. I took my temperature and it was 97.1. Because I'm an emotionless, cold, bastard. But I still had worked myself up into some kind of illness. Thankfully, I was able to sleep it off. I feel great, today.

So, I seem to be over my common cold. I can go back to my other major ailment: being odd.