I took time out from watching Star Wars yesterday. I saw The Phantom Thread. It’s like the movie Secretary without the sex parts. It’s pretty intense and features characters that relish putting others in their place. It was fun to see Daniel Day Lewis in a character that was closer to his own voice for the first time in a long time. He still brings all the welled up, tea-kettle whistle inducing emotion we’ve come to expect. At first you wonder how certain tones could be taken in this day and age. But. This isn’t a movie about celebrating restraint and old rules. It’s a character study about a family that Imposes their will on each other and the world around them. Based on that, I enjoyed it. Then I saw #TheLastJedi again. 🤗🤗🤗 #ThePhatomThread #IAmNOTHungry
IG Movie Reviews
These are brief reviews that I write on Instagram. They're generally written on the Brown Line home. Unless I had to keep my balance on the train. Then I wrote them home. You could follow me at https://www.instagram.com/bigluke1980/. Or, just click on the Instagram widget in the lower right hand corner of this site.