IG Movie Reviews

These are brief reviews that I write on Instagram. They're generally written on the Brown Line home. Unless I had to keep my balance on the train. Then I wrote them home. You could follow me at https://www.instagram.com/bigluke1980/. Or, just click on the Instagram widget in the lower right hand corner of this site. 

4/15/17: Personal Shopper: Dealing with Loss

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This is a good movie. Clever, taut, visually appealing. If you've read reviews, they're not lying. It's like 17 different styles. But there's one story and POV that drives it: LOSS. If you've ever dealt with loss and felt trapped by it you will be affected by this movie. I mean, I've never rode a motor bike around France or gotten paid money to travel Europe. But, I've held myself back trying to figure shit out that didn't need to be figured out. I'm a pro at that. I left this movie with a great big smile on my face. That's not a spoiler alert at all. #PersonalShopper #Mediums #OneLoudKnock