IG Movie Reviews

These are brief reviews that I write on Instagram. They're generally written on the Brown Line home. Unless I had to keep my balance on the train. Then I wrote them home. You could follow me at https://www.instagram.com/bigluke1980/. Or, just click on the Instagram widget in the lower right hand corner of this site. 

8/22/18: Crazy Rich Asians: You'll Ugly Cry

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Go see Crazy Rich Asians. It’s not another rom com. This has real emotions and takes real turns. There are zero overwrought, drawn out red herrings.

The movie is about a couple growing closer at someone else’s wedding. So, it’s not a spoiler alert to say: If you do not cry at this wedding, there may be no hope for you. I cried. I reached out for the hand of the person I came with. There was no one there. Because I didn’t come with anybody. I’ve never been on a movie date. I know. I’m 37. That’s crazy. But, meanwhile, THAT’S how deep in your feelings you’ll get.

Also, Awkwafina needs her own movie. She played her role in Ocean’s 8 with sniper precision. She’s great, again, here.

In closing, major props to the 3 old white dudes in the bathroom after the movie. One guy goes, “Wow. That’s...not what I expected.” And then he did the white guy thing where he talked about the plausibility of building architecture. Like, thank you for staying on brand and showing me what I want to avoid becoming as I grow older. Thanks. So. Much. 
#CrazyRichAsians #TeamAstrid #Bernard