Hey! This Blog will contain a lots of stuff that won't always go together. I'll post the long form versions of stand-up sets, crazy shit I wrote for sketches, and general stuff I'm feeling at the moment. Unlike the Fake Interviews section, all of this stuff is real and I feel it. Please enjoy!



That's a wrap! Whoa! Fire didn't bring this Boy Girl Party down. Thanks to everyone who came out to see our show! We were totally worth it. But it was still great to watch sold out crowds enjoy our work. We love each and every one of you!

Congrats to the newly graduated writers of The Second City Training Center's Writing Program: Jess Bybee, Jess DeBacco, Brett Flynn, Carly Alice, Oliver Hynek, and Anna Walters!!!

This show would have been nothing without the greatest cast the history of a writing 6 show: Shelby Quinn, Reilly Willson, Parker Bonello, Doug Cochrane, Ryneé Ashley, and Meghan Sullivan! These people are the future!

Thanks to Amanda Murphy, our musical director, and Matt Kawa, our tech director! We couldn't have done this without you!

Last, and most inportantly, our director, Daniel Robert Bischoff. This dude is awesome! Treated us like professionals. Gave us a ton of feedback. Directed a great show. Thank you!


